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You have the option to manage and control cookies through your browser settings, allowing you to accept, reject, or delete cookies as you see fit. Please note that blocking or disabling cookies may affect certain features and functionality on our website. By using styleparadice, you consent to our use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy.  


Disabling and Deleting Cookie  

You have the option to manage and control cookies according to your preferences. Most web browsers provide settings that allow you to disable or delete cookies. Here's how:    

Disabling Cookies:  You can generally disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Keep in mind that disabling cookies may affect your browsing experience and limit the functionality of our website.    

Deleting Cookies: You can also delete cookies that have been previously stored on your device. This will remove any saved information from your browsing history.    

Browser-Specific Instructions: Each browser may have slightly different procedures for disabling or deleting cookies. Please refer to your browser's help documentation or settings for specific instructions.    

Please note that disabling or deleting cookies may require you to sign in again when visiting our website, and certain features may not function as expected. By managing your cookie preferences, you can customize your browsing experience to better suit your needs.